CoopShop — Bringing our community together.
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For Sale Today!

If no price is indicated, inquire for price at 0929-483-1532 before sending payment. If there is a price, you can proceed to payment

Inquire for price at 0929-483-1532 before sending payment.

Buy with CoopPay® (easy, zero-fee)

Step 1Step 2Step 3
(Updated regularly)(Write note in CoopPay)(Send to [email protected])

1 In CoopPay, you can write a note (Add Purpose), you can use that to write your order. 2 When you see what looks like an email address ([email protected]), it is not an email address. It is a Lightning Address. With CoopPay, all of us in the community can now send and receive payments using our Lightning Address. All CoopPay to CoopPay payments are zero-fee (free).

Scan to pay with any Lightning wallet (Blink, Pouch, CoopPay® etc.)

CoopShop — Bringing our community together.

Are you a producer or maker of goods in the community? Promote them nationwide at The Co-operative Exchange.

CoopShop — Bringing our communities together.
CoopShop — Bringing our community together.

Buy with CoopPay® (Fast, easy, zero-fee)

Step 1Step 2Step 3
(Updated regularly)(Write note in CoopPay)(Send to [email protected])

1 In CoopPay, you can write a note (Add Purpose), you can use that to write your order. 2 When you see what looks like an email address ([email protected]), it is not an email address. It is a Lightning Address. With CoopPay, all of us in the community can now send and receive payments using our Lightning Address. All CoopPay to CoopPay payments are zero-fee (free).

Are you a producer or maker of goods in the community? Promote them nationwide at The Co-operative Exchange.

CoopShop — Bringing our communities together.

Steve’s Shop

You can note the price/s and proceed to payment or add items to cart. These items are also listed at The Co-operative Exchange.

Book Shop

You can note the price/s and proceed to payment or add items to cart. These items are also listed at The Co-operative Exchange.

Bike Shop

You can note the price/s and proceed to payment or add items to cart. These items are also listed at The Co-operative Exchange.

Promote Your Store

Let us list your store on CoopShop™ and maybe provide a map for it!

Bulletin Board

Post community announcements, game schedule, lost and found, brownout schedule, medical clinics, cleanup drive, etc.

Promote Local

Are you a producer or maker of goods in the community? We can help you promote them nationwide at The Co-operative Exchange.

Whole Chicken

1 kg, ₱210

This is a working demo for scanning “static Lightning QR codes” with CoopPay®(download)

CoopShop — Bringing our community together.

👉 Scan the QR code below with your CoopPay®(download)

CoopShop — Bringing our community together.

👉 In Add a Purpose write your address or pickup time, then send payment.

Voila, that‘s it!

Ordering many? Add to Cart below, see total and proceed to pay via CoopPay® as above or check out using the cart on the right!

Footnotes and Tips for Co-ops and community business owners

If you are co-op or business owner, you can find this static Lightning QR code inside your CoopPay® app. You can print and laminate it. It is useful whether you accept only peso payments or both peso and bitcoin (via the Lightning Network, which makes bitcoin payments instant and quick as, well, lightning from anywhere in the world).

Tap name on the upper leftmost of the app, e.g. coop > tap QR icon on the upper rightmost > select Lightning and screenshot

For your regular customers, however, there is no more need to scan your static Lightning QR code once they have saved your Lightning Address in their CoopPay® contacts.

Tap name on the upper leftmost of the app, e.g. coop > see Manage Contacts then Add Contact, e.g. [email protected]

When you see what looks like an email address ([email protected]), it is not an email address. It is a Lightning Address. Your Lightning Address CoopPay®, e.g. [email protected] can send to another Lightning Address of another Lightning Wallet, ex. Blink, Strike, etc., anywhere in the world. It will also look like an email, ex. [email protected], [email protected], etc.

If your co-op or business has a website, you can (1) put your static Lightning QR code in your website, ex. see product page in The Co-operative Exchange, (2) simply write your Lightning Address, or there is a last way, (3) you can use Lightning Web Payment Link, ex. in CoopPay® and Coinos.

All CoopPay to CoopPay payments are zero-fee (free).

Advance Order

How to order in advance using CoopPay® (zero-fee)

Step 1Step 2
ex. Write whole chicken for 8/8/24, 09215254321 in 'Add a Purpose'Send to [email protected]2 using CoopPay®

1 In CoopPay, you can write a note (Add Purpose), you can use that to write your order.
2 When you see what looks like an email address ([email protected]), it is not an email address. It is a Lightning Address. With CoopPay, all of us in the community can now send and receive payments (and, notes!) using our Lightning Address. All CoopPay to CoopPay payments are zero-fee (free).

Scan to pay with any Lightning wallet (Blink, Pouch, CoopPay® etc.)

CoopShop — Bringing our community together.

Or, get updates via mobile or email

Our Mission

Bring smile to our community.Bring the best co-op goods and services.Promote good food, healthy living and fitness.Promote cleanliness and street clean-up.

Promote entrepreneurship and ecommerce.Promote community entrepreneurs to cooperatives.Encourage you to join and patronize local cooperatives.Encourage those who will organize new cooperatives.

This will save you time and money and allow CoopShop™ to serve you faster: (a) download CoopPay or Pouch, and (b) save our Lightning Address [email protected] in your contacts in CoopPay or Pouch.

Download Links

That's it, you're all set! What is a Lightning Address? See notes below.

When you see what looks like an email address ([email protected]), it is not an email address. It is a Lightning Address. With CoopPay, all of us in the community can send and receive payments using our Lightning Address. Lightning solved the remittance problem of Filipino OFWs anywhere in the world instantly like, well, lightning. With CoopPay, any OFW can send directly to his family's CoopPay. Or, send to any branch of any cooperative anywhere in the Philippines. All CoopPay to CoopPay payments are zero-fee (free).

Scan to pay with any Lightning wallet (Blink, Pouch, CoopPay® etc.)

CoopShop — Bringing our community together.


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When a new product for the community is listed in CoopShop

Join a co-operative federation today

Cooperation among co-operatives. Strength in numbers.

iCoop’s mission is to help grow cooperative circular economies in the Philippines and around the world.

Hey there, thank you for your visit!

The World’s 1st Lightning Wallet for Cooperatives

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Bitcoin Price Display
Teach the little ones how to save in bitcoin!

Legal and Regulatory Updates

One Cooperative Bank (One CB) is the largest cooperative bank in the Philippines. You too can join One CB’s pioneering member-coops today!

1 Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines Life and General Insurance (1CISP) is the leading cooperative life and non-life insurer in the Philippines. You too can join 1CISP’s pioneering member-coops today!

Cooperative Health Management Federation (CHMF) is the first cooperative health maintenance organization (HMO) in the Philippines. You too can join CHMF’s pioneering member-coops today!

One Cooperative Technology Service (OCTS) is the first technology service cooperative in the Philippines. You too can join OCTS’s pioneering member-coops today!

iCoop is happy to assist you. Message us!

iCoop is working at expanding its cooperative services. Soon you will be able to join a primary coop thru iCoop. You can also join an international coop thru iCoop. Finally, you can join a coop organization thru iCoop.

If you know a non-coop product or service that is not available right now in CoopShop™ but would be useful for our community, let us know!


CoopShop™ is one with iCoop’s mission is to help grow cooperative circular economies in the Philippines and around the world. We want at least 42% of Filipinos to be members of cooperatives. If you know a cooperative with a product or service that would be useful for our community, let us know!



iCoop’s mission is to help grow cooperative circular economies in the Philippines and around the world. We’re building a directory so that you can join a cooperative near you. We want at least 42% of Filipinos to be members of cooperatives.

Home · Our Mission · Quick Buy · Order In Advance · Promote Your Store · Post Announcements · Promote Local · CoopPay® Preferred (download)

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CoopShop — Bringing our communities together.